Artificial sports turf is perfect for high-impact workouts. However, not all sports turf will work for every activity. When shopping for artificial grass for sled...
The very first synthetic grass installation took place in 1964 at Moses Brown School in Providence, Rhode Island. What was only supposed to be used as a way to improve and increase youth’s physical fitness in the 1960s has sprouted into an entire industry! The incredible industry we know today as the synthetic grass industry. The “chemgrass” installed at Moses Brown eventually became known as the all popular “Astroturf.”
What’s ironic about the industry is that the concept of artificial grass actually didn’t start with grass at all. It all started with synthetic fiber carpeting in schools, created by a joint venture between Monsanto company, the Ford Foundation, and a company called Chemstran. These carpets were tested for flammability, durability, and water drainage and began making their appearance in schools across the country.
Astroturf gained fame from its use for the MLB team the Houston Astros in the Astrodome (hence the name!). It then spread to other sports arenas and became very successful. It changed over time, from the development of “shag-turf” that utilized longer yarns created from a softer polypropylene material, to a third-generation turf that utilized softer blade fibers.
Synthetic grass has continued to gain fame over the years and was even used in the 2010 FIFA World Cup Games in South Africa. Helping stadiums that can’t maintain natural grass, homeowners with sensitive children, and making areas that experience drought more green and attractive than ever, artificial grass has definitely changed the world of landscaping for the better.
Artificial sports turf is perfect for high-impact workouts. However, not all sports turf will work for every activity. When shopping for artificial grass for sled...
Learn why more and more people are opting for sports turf installation in health clubs, gyms, and sports facilities. Hear the benefits of installing artificial grass in...