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A complete section of frequently asked questions when it comes to installing artificial turf that's fully pet-friendly. Learn all about our pet turf system and its benefits in one place!
Installing a pet-friendly turf system will be pricier than a regular installation. The price increase stems from advanced material requirements, infills, drainage, and safety measures. You are looking at at least $9.50 per sq. ft. for a quality pet turf installation. To learn about all the factors affecting pricing, check out our cost of pet turf article here!
If your pet is using the restroom on your turf without the proper drainage system and infills, bacteria will grow and the odor will be unmanageable. It will cost you double to remove the existing turf and reinstall a new one.
We would love to be magicians, but we're still working on it. Unless you select a complete pet turf system, we highly recommend sticking to a natural lawn in pet relief areas. We want your business, but we feel your pain.
Turf is completely safe for dogs, in some cases even more so than natural grass. A common misconception about synthetic grass is that it contains lead and harmful chemicals. Many artificial turf manufacturers have now eliminated lead and other harmful chemicals from their materials.
However, artificial turf can become warm on high-temperature days. Make sure you supervise your furry friends and don't leave them unattended for long periods of time!
To see our research about the coolest grasses for pets, reference our article here!
There are multiple reasons why our customers opt for pet-friendly artificial grass installation. These are what we hear most:
Wanna hear more reasons to make the switch?
Yes! Our K9 pet-friendly turf system is designed with the proper drainage in mind. We install a layer of drain core under the surface to keep the base ventilated while allowing the homeowner to flush the grass often to prevent odor.
This does not guarantee an odor-free lawn, we can only prevent it. You must properly clean and flush the area with water and sanitizer often. Reference our knowledge base for more best practices for pet turf maintenance.
In general, the procedure is the same as for artificial grass lawns. We have to remove existing turf, cap sprinklers, and rewire irrigation. Then we need to separate the turf area from planters and haul away excess dirt. We put down about two to three inches of road base, compact it, and proceed with K9 grass installation.
After that, things get a little different. Different than regular turf, we will have to install a layer for improved drainage, ventilation, and sanitization. Then we nail or staple turf down and apply pet-friendly infills.
We will never be able to 100% remove all traces of pet relief. However, we can greatly reduce it. If installed correctly and maintained often, you will absolutely notice a difference. A pet system is a washable solution. The area still must be rinsed and sanitized consistently to control the smell.
Win against odors with this helpful article!
We recommend flushing the area with a heavy flow of water paired with a sanitizing agent often(such as 409 cleaner or Wysiwash). This should take care of moderate pet relief and spills. For more thorough cleaning, pressure washers are ideal.
Another great way to keep your area clean is to teach pets to use a localized area for relief. A fake fire hydrant or a mailbox pole is a great way to shrink their pee area. Cleaning is fully automatic with a chlorine-enabled wash system. Relief objects, such as a fake fire hydrant or mailbox will help minimize water use.
Tip: Brush the surface a few times before cleaning. This will disturb the compacted infill and allow the cleanser to really get into the base. If there is a smell that you can’t seem to get rid of, mix equal parts vinegar and water and apply to the affected areas.
For the difficult cleanings we're here for you, give us a call. Check out our favorite pet turf cleansers here!
We do not recommend allowing your pets to relieve themselves directly on artificial grass on a balcony or rooftop. All of your pet's urine will accumulate under your turf and the area will begin to smell and become unusable. There will also be bacteria growth over time. Although there is a drainage system, you can't flush off the turf and allow that to spill onto other people's property.
Yes, all artificial turf gets hot. K9 turf is made of polyethylene. It absorbs heat and could potentially reach temperatures as high as 120 F. This temperature is not comfortable for most people and their lovely pets. Therefore, most manufacturers try to reduce the heat of the surface as much as physically possible. Some manufacturers coat artificial turf with heat-reflecting layers, others reduce the density of backing material.
We visit hundreds of backyards and pet facilities and research materials from various suppliers.
In our experience, there are other factors that affect the temperature of the artificial grass surface. We do not guarantee that our statements are 100% proven, just observations.
Here is what makes turf warmer:
Typically, a hot pet turf system looks dark green, high pile, 90-ounce slim blade, or diamond blade turf with green colored silica sand infill. – Hot as hell, burns the feet right away.
Typically, a cooler pet turf system offers: lime green color, low pile, 60-ounce wide shape, stronger and thinner blades with space in between them stabilized by curly thatch and antibacterial sand or a mix of antibacterial sand and turf deodorizer. Warm - but bearable.
You can learn how to better control the temperature of your turf on hot days here.
This is a difficult question. Some people like it plush, others like it easy to clean. We try to set our priorities based on basic needs and safety requirements.
First, the turf should be washable so that both your pet and you can enjoy the area without worrying about odor and bacteria. Grass materials with Microban technology help us achieve a cleaner surface.
Also, the turf should always be at a comfortable temperature. We do our best to select turf materials and infills that offer the coolest surfaces. We constantly monitor the market for new and improved grasses to offer our clients.
The surface should perform well in terms of drainage and traffic as well. For each project, we start by identifying potential landscape shortcomings and addressing them prior to the installation.
And finally, we use special tools to make sure the area is fully compacted, and nails are secure. The seams are hidden and strong once the installation is complete.
Learn more about the best artificial grass materials for pet owners with this article!
Reference this list when you have any questions or concerns regarding artificial turf installation that's pet-friendly. For any unanswered questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
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