Learn what stimp speed is and how it affects gameplay on backyard putting greens. Hear common misconceptions about what causes the fluctuation of stimp speed. Discover how we measure this, and how stimp speed can be controlled.
Artificial Grass Blog
Artificial Grass Blog Feed. All about artificial turf installation, material, technologies, and news. Anything you need to know about synthetic turf in one place
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Expert Installers are Key
Technically, anyone can install a backyard putting green. However, not everyone can install a putting green correctly. Learn what to search for when finding a qualified team for artificial putting green installation.
Sports Fields: Artificial Turf vs. Natural Grass
The Best Artificial Grass Materials for Pet Owners
At InstallArtificial, we offer pet-friendly materials for you to choose from when you install artificial grass in your space. These will help maintain the integrity of your installation even when your pets are using the area for relief. Learn your options below!
Best Practices for Cleaning and Odor Control in k9 Turf Systems
Learn our recommendations for cleaning and maintaining a K9 turf system. Discover top-rated products that will help keep your lawn safe for your dog. Hear our favorite cleansers to keep your yard bacteria—and odor-free!
Sand Bunkers For Putting Greens
Discover what sand bunkers are and why they're an option when building a putting green. Hear how this affects golf gameplay. Learn why sand bunkers are beneficial and decide if this add-on will work in your space.
History Of Artificial Sports Turf
Learn where the use of artificial grass materials in sports fields originated. Understand how the technology of sports turf has advanced over time. Hear the benefits that transitioning to a synthetic turf field provides.
Getting Started with InstallArtificial
Learn what we stand for and what we're all about at InstallArtificial. Below we'll discuss the proper steps to getting in touch with us, and a brief synopsis of the proposal process. Learn why we're one of the most trusted artificial grass installers in Los Angeles!
Drivable Grass: What Is It?
Learn what drivable grass is and why it's becoming more common in residential and commercial spaces. Hear when this installation method is an option, and decide if this is what your space has been missing.
Weed Prevention in Turf Installation
Many clients are ecstatic about the reduced lawn maintenance when installing artificial grass in their yards. But does installing turf actually guarantee no weeds? Learn how we prevent weeds after artificial grass installation. Discover what best practices achieve the greatest results in weed prevention.